Monday, April 09, 2007

Camp 4

Camp 4: 4/5th November

Day 1
Firstly we had to go to meeting points for the minibuses, I had to go to Buckmore Park, for those of you that don’t know its an old scouting park which has now been closed down because the ownership has changed. There was a problem with the minibuses, we had to work it with one less than we had previously thought so it was a bit of a squeeze. The bus was over booked. This meant that Stacey and I had to go in the landrover, which was great because there was more space! A quick pit stop for petrol and canoes and we were on our way to Highlands Park. Stacey and I had to tell Jen (one of our leaders) which junction to take to get there, but we did get there, this time!

Once at the site we had to meet up with the other buses armed with kazoos. After catching up on news, we were split in to groups and just my luck; I was team leader of… wait for it… a group of BOYS! Some I knew and others I didn’t. First thing on the agenda… scavenge hunt. We had to find things for every letter of KENT CONTINGENT JAMBOREE UNIT and we had to find (in an Essex theme) a mini skirt, a Burberry hat, a stone that looks like an animal, kebab and chips, and alcohol bottle and a stiletto. Where are we going to find all that where we’re going to be camping next year for ten days? It was crazy. And we had to fit it all in a film canister. This seemed impossible so my pockets were brimming with rubbish. We got back to our meeting point to find lunch on the grass waiting for us. Pick and mix. While eating lunch the points were totalled up. We didn’t win but it was fun. Next we were equipped with cameras and camcorders to film the shoot Highlands Park in all its emptiness, vastness and glory for the other units. We did this met up with our leaders who the proceeded to take picture of us.

We then had to find our camp site which was in the middle of no where! The map we were reading off of was telling us there were roads where there wasn’t and saying there wasn’t roads where there were! We got lost about four times. Worst luck of all was it was Stacey and I reading the map! It was really embarrassing! We got there in the end. The site had little bungalows with loads of bedrooms and a hall. Stacey, Lisa and I shared a room. There were two bunk beds in it so I slept on the top bunk and Stacey underneath. I didn’t really get a chance to rest after we got there and unpacked our things. My group was on dinner duty. Luckily we had our units fabulous Chef (Ben) so it wasn’t going to be that hard. I was put to chopping onions. We were making what was lovingly called meat soup and vegetable soup. After dinner we had a quiz and then watched Ice Age 2 then went to bed.

Day 2
We had a rota which we had to follow after breakfast. The Do’s and Taboos, rest, anything anyone missed last night, canoeing and cleaning. Do’s and Taboos was well weird. You had to read off a sheet what was accepted in a country and what wasn’t and do the actions. In our rest period we played cards, scrabble and just sat there chatting away. We missed the cups last night so we caught up with them. We designed our own Jamboree cups. We got totally covered in pen!

The canoeing I have to say was the absolute best! We did basic movements and turns. Then we had a game of tag. After that Paul (another leader) asked “Does anyone want to get wet?” My hand went straight up. We all got in a line, side by side next to each other and then I had to get out of my canoe and walk across the noses of the other canoes, once I got to the end of the line I had to turn round and come back. I made it to one end but I thought ‘where’s the fun in getting back in my canoe?’ so I jumped in. All the boys were saying stuff like ‘I bet its cold’ and I told them ‘if you really want to know why don’t you jump in?’ I was cold but I didn’t tell them that. When we got our canoes onto the bank we had a game. You had to hold your paddle in one hand with the other had behind your back. We all stood in a circle. If Paul shouted ‘one’ you moved one paddle to the left, ‘two’ one paddle to the right, ‘three’ two paddles to the left and ‘four’ spin round on the spot and grab your paddle. If you dropped your paddle you lost. After a couple of minuets there was only a few of us left. I got hit in the head with a paddle! But the boy who dropped it got hit in the nose so we’re even. Then we had to go back and get dry and pack.

After everything was packed and cleaned up. Awards were awarded, badges collected and then if was off to the mini busses and back to our drop off points and back home.


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